by Rafiq Lockhat
I have been seeing a 42-year-old female | patient for a few weeks now. She is an attractive, highly intelligent professional woman. She has been living with a man for the past 10 years. It started out well but after three years or so there were regular rumours of him...
by Rafiq Lockhat
Last week I wrote about the search for happiness and how elusive it can be. This week I want to focus on how of many of us actually choose to be unhappy. Take, for example, a man I saw some time ago. He was 30, and came in for psychotherapy because he was unhappy...
by Rafiq Lockhat
I had dinner with a friend the other night. He is a partner in a law firm and specialises in divorce. He said that in his experience, over 85% of divorces are precipitated by marital infidelity. It was predominantly men, but women were rapidly catching up. This trend,...
by Rafiq Lockhat
I have been counselling a 17 year old boy for the past few months. He has just been expelled from an expensive private school. I started seeing him before the expulsion, when his exasperated parents brought him to me after his second suspension at school. My...
by Rafiq Lockhat
Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” says the song. Summertime is also holiday time and therefore also the period of excessive eating and drinking and consequently our greatest weight gain. I wrote last week about food psychology and the many research studies being...